01 09 10

About Me

Have you ever felt like you wanted to see the world but know you can't just leave everything behind to do it or more so you kind of like the stability in your life (family, friends, pets..what have you). There are so many things to learn in this lifetime and I plan on experiencing as much as I can. Even if it is my own backyard (home town).

After starting work in education, I moved onto healthcare where I finally found my niche. I am always looking for a new way to challenge myself because I get bored easily. If you have any ideas feel free to let me know!

Even though I wouldn't want to do it, the in definite solo female travelers are like Indiana Jones to me which is awesome. Travel isn't just about getting to the destination it is about what you will find when you get there. The people, geography, food, culture and sounds. It can be something you have to travel thousands of miles to get to or just be down your street. Try new things in any way shape or form.

~Happy Travels!

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